
Monday Vibes

Are you one of the people that just hate mondays? Weekend is over, you have to get up early, get stuck in the traffic jam and go to work… Or the lectures are starting again and the tough exams are coming. Yep, you have to deal with people and get things done. Sounds familiar?

Why don’t we switch the vibes and kick off the week with a fresh and positive start? Here are our 5 steps:


  1. Get up 2 hours before going out

Everybody has a different schedule, but it is important to have some time for yourself before going into the wild world. Create a morning ritual with something you truly love. Because the most important person for you is YOU!


  1. Drink a cup of warm water

If you make this first thing in the morning, you will most likely feel the change in the first couple of days. Start the day hydrated and get the energy flowing.


  1. Don’t skip breakfast

We all know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but we often just ignore this knowledge and go out on an empty stomach. Because you know, WE DON’T HAVE TIME. Yeah right. Read again #1. ????


  1. Plan the day before

If you make some time in the evening to think about the day ahead, you will save a lot of stress in the morning. What to wear, what tasks you have to do etc. Write them on a list or visualise your success and you will save some precious 5 minutes in the morning.


  1. Have a cup of brain boost

It doesn’t matter if you are a coffee or tea lover, we have your back. Start the week with a cup of tasty brain boost with ShroomzUp Brain Coffee and Brain Tea. For increased energy, recharged brain and refreshed body.

Well, Mondays are just a matter of perspective. Choose yours.